2024 Great Navy Campout - Discover Your Adventure
Registration: Starts Saturday, August 31
Registration must be made in person at Outdoor Recreation (next to Fleet Recreation Center).
Enjoy Yard Games, Outdoor Movie, Meal Packages with S'mores, $1 Equipment Rentals & Free Campsite (while supplies last) at the Outdoor Recreation Center.
Pledge to Camp
1) To pledge your camping trip, click here
2) Enter your name, email, telephone number, installation, MWR affiliation and rank
3) Every month - two winners will be drawn from the pledges (The more a customer pledges (camps) the more chances they have to win)
4) Answer the following questions when pledging:
• Where did you camp? (state park, national park, getaways location, backyard, great navy campout event, other location)
• How many children and adults camped with you?
• What outdoor activities did you do?
• How did you hear about the Great Navy Campout?
Club Takemiya Prepared Meals
For campers that prefer to have their meal prepared - Club Takemiya will provide you with your meal. Meal packages can be purchased in advance or the day of the campout. For more information regarding meals, please click here.
In 2015 Navy MWR Community Recreation partnered with Great American Campout which is a part of the National Wildlife Federation. They have been on the front lines for wildlife since 1936, fighting for the conservation values that are woven into the fabric of our nation's collective heritage. Fast forward to this year, Navy MWR Recreation is hosting their 9th annual Great Navy Campout. The Great Navy Campout provides a unique way to explore the outdoors and nature this summer. We encouraged everyone to discover their adventure within Navy MWR and we look forward to another successful year! Fighting for the conservation values that are woven into the fabric of our nation's collective heritage.